Saturday, March 04, 2006

Back in Monrovia

After only two weeks in Sanniquellie, I find myself once again in
Monrovia, this time for a training for new logistics software that's
supposed to make my life easier. We'll see...

But, I'm once again in the big city...with everything that entails.
I'll be here for two weeks straight.

Even just two weeks in Sanniquellie, the shift back to Monrovia is
surprisingly jarring. Compared to Sanniquellie (well, probably
compared to anywhere else), Monrovia is sprawling, hot, crowded, and
noisy. But hopefuly I'll have a good time.

Off to an IDP camp...more as I get a chance.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Taj, I know you're superbusy, but your blog about the food, especially the fresh fruit, reminded me of something I wrote when I was in Kenya about the mangos - I concur heartily!
read if of interest:
glad to follow along with the blog - keep writing - we're thinking of you and missing you here!
- Marta