Friday, September 29, 2006

i'm back

in liberia...
so much to do it pretty much makes my head spin. Somehow, i'm down to
only about 5 weeks left! Yikes! And I found out the other day my
REPLACEMENT is coming in two weeks! Good Lord! I'm being replaced!

It's absolutely mind-boggling to me that I need to be in 'getting out'
mode all of a feels, in many ways, like I just arrived.
And yet, here i am - I need to write a hand-over, do my staff
evaluations, wrap up projects, etc. Wow.

Anyway, don't expect to see a lot from me in the next few weeks before
i get home. I think I'll likely be too busy. But if I get a chance,
I'll drop a note or two.

Ghana was nice. Too short, not enough time to really get in to it, but
it was very nice.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Taj,
Several of my colleagues were involved some years ago in much of the early-stage tourism development in Ghana. They often talked about the many places to eat that would have a sign outside advertising "meat of the day." Upon investigation, they found that meant whatever was killed and found along the road that day! Any interesting meat meals on your trip? (Hopefully all the training changed their culinary offerings to visitors.)