Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A few thoughts on: Sangba Base

Yes, I admit it, I've been terribly lax in some of my duties.

In the haste in which I entered the project, certain key items were
not appropriately elaborated upon during my first days.

As I sit here, thinking about the fact I'm about to enter my third
month in the project (good god! how did this happen?) I realize there
are some things I never cleared up!

Like, for instance, Sangba Base. More specifically: my 'menagerie'.

Well, the sad truth of the matter is that the briefing document I was
given was horribly out of date.

There is no mongoose.

That's right, I said it, no mongoose.

You have no idea the horror and dismay I encountered when I learned
this sad fact.

Also, there are no sheep. No goats. No chickens. Well, one chicken,
but it's not ours. OK, and we have had goats here, but only as long as
it took to butcher them for dinner (see: the goat given to us by the
village...I called him "Tasty").

What do we have? Well, we have two cats. One of them is pregnant, the
other is the father. There is some confusion as to their names, but
recently I learned they do officially have names "Diesel" and "Twix",
but we do call them "yellow cat"/"boy cat" and "gray cat"/"lady cat".
We do have a dog, Piece, who is friendly although covered in fleas.
Piece's mother, Mary, also occasionally makes a visit.

We also recently gained a remarkably tame flightless pigeon, who has
been adopted by one of our security guards and sort of patrols the
compound during the day. I don't think it has a name yet, but everyone
is under strict orders not to eat him. Not the guard, the pigeon.
Well, the guard also. Both. We're not allowed to eat either of them.

What else? Mmm...roosters abound nearby our compound. That's not so
nice in the morning, although I'm getting used to it. The damn things
don't seem to understand the concept of sunrise at all...If they
crowed at sunrise it would be one thing, but they start at about
3:30AM and continue crowing until well after lunch, then start up
again in the evening! How hard is it to crow at dawn? Shouldn't be
that hard.

Please forgive me if I repeat myself from earlier posts - remember,
I'm taking Lariam...

More, hopefully with pictures, as I get more time! There's lots to say
even just about sangba base...much less everything else!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I have sadness. No mongoose. :( What is Lariam?

- Jason